(800) 605-3091

School Studies

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plans

Provide safer school routes with TADI. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans offer a data-driven and collaborative methodology for planning safe routes and encouraging active transportation to/from school. A Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plan is a comprehensive strategy aimed at improving the safety and accessibility of routes for students who walk or bike to school. These plans involve cooperation between communities, schools, parents, transportation agencies, local government, and TADI’s safety team to identify strategies to make active transportation safer and more accessible.

Unusually Hazardous Transportation (UHT) Plans

Have you been tasked with updating your district’s outdated UHT plan?  Have changes in your district, such as a new school, a removed school, or modified attendance boundaries resulted in the need for an updated UHT plan?  If you answered yes to either of these questions, TADI’s safety team can help!

TADI has a science-based, data-driven approach to UHT plans that is customizable to meet any district’s specific needs.  Our risk-based approach highlights areas with higher risks, such as busy intersections, roads without sidewalks, high traffic volumes or the lack of safety features. Using a scienced-based method minimizes subjectivity and provides an equitable approach to guide UHT and busing decisions.  Our approach also helps prioritize safety improvements, such as adding high-visibility crosswalks, flashing beacons, countdown pedestrian timers, and the placement of crossing guards.

Pick-up / Drop-off Circulation Studies

Improve school traffic flow and safety! Receiving complaint calls regarding pick-up and drop-off? TADI’s engineers will collaborate with you and conduct Circulation Studies to identify solutions to improve operations and safety during drop-offs and pick-ups. Using cost-effective data collection techniques and advanced traffic analysis, we pinpoint issues and provide improvements.

School Signing & Pavement Marking Reviews

Have you been tasked with defining the limits of a school zone, or ensuring the signing and pavement marking are up to state and national standards?  If so, anticipate some challenges interpreting state statutes and standards in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Rest assured, if you need some help, TADI is here for you.

In school zones, properly placed signs and pavement markings are crucial for safety. Our School Signing & Pavement Marking Reviews include a review of your existing signings and pavement markings and help you properly define school zones.  Furthermore, we identify potential funding sources to implement changes.

For more information or references, please contact John Campbell, Director of Traffic Safety Engineering Services, at [email protected] or 414-350-3256.