Thus, the intersection needed to safely and efficiently accommodate higher volumes of pedestrians, bicycles, buses, along with a teen and older driver population mix. The intersection also needed to accommodate peaking of traffic during the beginning and ending of school, and during special events.
An integral part of the success of this project was the inclusion of a road safety audit in the preliminary engineering phase. The road safety audit included professional engineers from TADI as well as individuals from Muskego High School and the Muskego Police Department. The audit was specially designed for the characteristics of this intersection and included a checklist with questions pertaining to driveway utilization, special events, parking lot utilization, drop off locations, student driving behavior, pedestrians, bicyclists, buses, pavement conditions, pavement marking, signing, speed, and other general observations. The team agreed that the design that best accommodated the situation included an upgraded signalized intersection with pedestrian phasing, left turn phasing and special school bus actuation/timing plan to accommodate the arrival and dismissal times of the school. The following tasks were performed:
- Data collection
- Road Safety Audit
- Crash/Safety Study
- Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) for roundabout and traffic signal control
- Trip redistribution and assignment for access and circulation modifications at the school
- Internal pedestrian circulation recommendations
- SYNCHRO modeling
- TIA Report (approved)
- Traffic Signal Design
- Public Meetings & Presentations