is being proposed for the southwest quadrant of the County Trunk Highway (CTH) K (60th Street) intersection with 122nd Avenue. A TIA report was prepared to evaluate the expected weekday PM and Saturday midday peak hour operating conditions with base year 2018 and horizon year 2028 background traffic, plus the additional traffic volumes expected from the buildout of the proposed site development and off-site developments. Off-site developments included the approved Aurora health care development to the west and the approved Springs of Kenosha multi-family development to the south, which was under construction at the time of the study.
Based on the intersection capacity analysis, geometric and traffic control, modifications were recommended to mitigate unacceptable delays or traffic queues at the study intersections, where needed.
Project tasks included:
- Data collection
- Trip generation, distribution and assignment
- SYNCHRO modeling & Queue analysis
- Traffic control and lane recommendations
- Traffic signal warrant study
- TIA report