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    Home ProjectsCedarburg STH 60 Business Park TIA

Cedarburg STH 60 Business Park TIA

Location: South of STH 60 and east of Washington Avenue in the City of Cedarburg, Wisconsin
TADI's Role: Provide a WisDOT-required TIA with recommended improvements for roadways, intersections, and development access locations for WisDOT approval.

TADI worked with the City of Cedarburg and WisDOT to determine access points/development roadway locations and intersection and roadway improvements for the Cedarburg Business Park. The TIA addressed access, intersection geometrics, and traffic control at the study area intersections. Improvements were also identified to accommodate the development for the initial phase and full buildout conditions. The following tasks were performed:

• Data collection
• Trip generation, distribution and assignment
• SYNCHRO analysis and modeling
• Recommended improvements
• TIA Report (approved)

For more information, please contact John Bieberitz at [email protected]