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    Home ProjectsRUSD REAL School TIA


Location: Sturtevant, WI
TADI's Role: To evaluate traffic impacts related to the RUSD REAL school being relocated to an existing building in Sturtevant, Wisconsin.

The Racine Unified School District (RUSD) is proposing to relocate the Racine Engineering Arts and Leadership School (REAL) from its current location on Erie Street in Racine, Wisconsin to a new location on Stellar Avenue in Sturtevant, Wisconsin.  The new school location will be in the existing SportsPlex building, which will maintain some sports activity functionality after the RUSD school is installed in the same building.

The existing RUSD REAL School has about 375 students and 25 staff members.  Initial buildout at the new location in Sturtevant projects an increase to about 425 students, with full buildout to about 525 students.

The RUSD REAL school will utilize the existing SportsPlex parking areas for all parking needs, plus parent pick-up and drop-off of students.  A new surface lot will be constructed on the east side of the building for bus operations and some staff parking. TADI determined the number of new trips expected at full buildout of the relocated school, and evaluated the study intersections along Stellar Avenue and Renaissance Boulevard to determine modifications (if any) to maintain traffic flow and minimize queues during the peak hours.  TADI evaluated the on-site traffic circulation to ensure that bus operations did not negatively conflict with parent pick-up/drop-off activity during the school start and end times.

Project tasks included:

  • Data collection
  • Trip generation, distribution and assignment
  • SYNCHRO modeling
  • On-site circulation review and recommendations
  • Traffic queue evaluations
  • TIA Report
For more information please contact Tammi Czewski [email protected]